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巴渝舞作为巴渝地区古老的艺术形式,历史文献中多有记载。20世纪80年代以来始有专文。学者们从巴渝舞的名称、巴渝舞起源时间和地点、所涉及的民族以及内容形式的特征诸多方面展开讨论,基本廓清了巴渝舞的本来面目,为进一步研究巴渝民族文化打下了基础。  相似文献   
从整体上看,李渔研究包括李渔生平思想和李渔作品,已经非常全面深入。但是李渔美学研究,尤其是李渔生活审美研究还需深入。李渔美学研究突出了戏剧美学,而忽略了生活审美。在李渔生活审美研究中还存在概念把握不准、重复性高、较零散肤浅等问题。  相似文献   
余光中诗论既提倡吸收西方文化资源,又反对现代病和恶性西化;既主张打破偶像、反叛传统,又强调纵的继承和发扬传统。中国现代诗的落脚点在中国,该经由中国诗的现代化环节达到现代诗的中国化。同时,中国的现代诗应该具有超越性,它在艺术上代表的是中国诗而不仅仅是中国的新诗。  相似文献   
《The aging male》2013,16(4):253-257
Background: Symptoms of the “male climacteric” are often at least in part referred to an age-dependent decline of serum androgen levels. Therefore, we evaluated the relationship of climacteric symptoms as assessed by the “Aging Males’ Symptoms” (AMS) Questionnaire with circulating androgen levels. Methods: 146 ambulatory men (age, 27–85 years) were surveyed with the AMS Questionnaire and sampled for serum values of total testosterone (tT) and sexual hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Free testosterone (fT) was calculated from tT and SHBG. A total AMS score ≥37 was considered pathological; the lower limits for tT and fT were set to 8 nmol/l and 180 pmol/l, respectively. Results: A significant deficit in tT and fT was shown in 25 (17.1%) and 34 (24.5%) men, respectively; the AMS Questionnaire showed pathological results for 66 (45.2%) men. In predicting a tT deficit, the AMS Questionnaire rendered a sensitivity of 76% and a specificity of 61.6%, only. However, multiple regression analysis revealed a significant correlation of lowered tT with a pathological somatovegetative and psychological AMS subscore (p = 0.042 and p = 0.01) and a correlation of lowered fT with a pathological sexual subscore (p = 0.039). Conclusion: In predicting hypogonadism the AMS Questionnaire in total did not render a sufficient diagnostic efficiency.  相似文献   
南唐后主李煜从地上皇一下子沦为阶下囚,南宋女词人李清照从仕宦贵妇到国破家亡、流离失所,身世的巨大浮沉使他们对自己悲惨处境的愤懑、对所处悲剧性时代的无奈以及对无常人生的深刻感悟,都真实地通过其词作表现出强烈的悲剧型美感,产生的独特魅力打动了千百年来无数读者的心。  相似文献   
从我国历史上的立国——大禹治水创立夏朝 ;治国——“水则载舟 ,水则覆舟”;卫国——以水代兵为本国政治服务等三个方面论述了水与国家政治的密切关系  相似文献   
禹之谟小时初具侠义思想,后来逐渐走上革命道路。他投身革命,成为近代湖南革命的重要领导者;他实业救国,成为近代湖南工业的卓越开拓者;他兴学育人,成为近代湖南新学运动的核心人物。  相似文献   
先秦时期的语类文献是在重言、记言传统的背景之下形成的."语"在性质上主要表现为它载录的是"善言";从文体形态方面来说,上古语类文献主要包含格言体、对话体、事语体这些类型.由于这些文体形式是历时性生成的,这就意味着有一个演变的过程.大体而言.先秦语类文献形态主要是沿着两条路向演进的:一是格言体内部的散见之"言"向结集之"言"的转变,一是对话体向事语体的演变.  相似文献   
韩氏著姓,源远流长。在关于韩愈世系的研究中,韩氏的源流问题也成为其重要内容。韩氏源流的探讨自韩氏始祖韩万开始到汉弓高侯颓当结束。本文利用文献记载来考证韩氏的源流。韩氏的源流大致应以修武《韩文公门谱》所记载的为准。  相似文献   
Social studies teachers have an obligation to help students grapple with and thoughtfully examine controversial issues, often in a contemporary context. One such issue is the U.S. use of unmanned aerial vehicles, generally known as drones. Whether for surveillance purposes or military missions, the use of drones by the U.S. government has preceded the development of clearly articulated policy guidelines. This article examines the use of drones in U.S. policy, the argument for and against their deployment, and the manner in which social studies educators may effectively teach their students about such a complex, challenging topic. Toward that end, the article also advocates for the use of an ethical and analytical framework, the “just war” doctrine, which can assist students in critiquing how drones are used, under what conditions, and the social impact that may entail.  相似文献   
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